Resuscitation & the Science of Expertise
How can the science of expertise inform our ability to attain excellence in resuscitation?
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References for the papers mentioned in the episode:
Kovacs & Croskery. Clinical Decision Making: An Emergency Medicine Perspective. Academic Emergency Medicine, 1999; 6(9): 947-952
The Neuroscience of Expertise. Bilalic (2017), Cambridge University Press
Jeon et al. What does “being an expert” mean to the brain? Functional specificity and connectivity in expertise. Cerebral Cortex, 2017; 27(12): 5603-5615
Gobet & Simon. Recall of random and distorted chess positions: Implications for the theory of expertise. Memory & Cognition, 1996; 24(4): 493-503
Gold & Ciorciari. A Review on the Role of the Neuroscience of Flow States in the Modern World. Behav Sci (Basel), 2020;10(9):137