Emergency critical care fundamentals. Visit ICUedu.org for video versions of the talks as well as infographics that can be used as visual aids while listening to the podcasts.
54 episodes
Valvulopathy Part I: Regurgitation
Acute medical management of valvulopathy. Part I talks about the pathophysiology and management of regurgitant valves: AI, MR, and TR. Great Core Ultrasound post on POCUS assessment of valvulopathy:

Fluids in Sepsis
Updated talk on fluids in sepsis!Access to video version of lecture, supplemental materials & references at: https://www.icuedu.org/fluids-in-sepsis

Resuscitation & the Science of Expertise
How can the science of expertise inform our ability to attain excellence in resuscitation?Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.orgReferences for the papers mentioned in...

Electrical Storm
Management approach for electrical storm!For a deep dive into EKGs in wide complex tachycardias, take a look at this awesome l...

Physiologically Difficult Airway
ICUedu Physiologically Difficult Airway Pocket Intensivist CardICUedu.org page with video lecture, references, and a downloadable link to key vi...

Permutations of Sick + Hypotensive
We know what to do with the patient who is sick and hypotensive. But what about the patient who is sick but not hypotensive? Or the patient who is hypotensive but not sick?References for the papers mentioned in the podcas...

Beyond the ABCs
ICUedu Approach to the Acutely Ill Patient Pocket Intensivist CardAdditional content and educational resources at

Acid-Base 2.0
ICUedu Acid-Base 2.0 Pocket Intensivist CardThis lecture has a lot of important visuals. Here is is a link to the ICUedu.org subpage with ...

ICUedu Vasoplegia Pocket Intensivist CardAdditional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org

The Sepsis Survey
Like the Trauma Survey... but for sepsis!Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org

Approach to Cardiac Arrest
Updated talk on approach to cardiac arrest! Access to video version of lecture, supplemental materials & references at: https://www.icuedu.org/cardiacarrest

Mistakes #2: Agitation, CRRT & Trachs
Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org

Critical Cases #4: SCAPE with WCT
Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.orgMore discussion of unstable A-fib: https://www.icuedu.org/unstableaf

Mistakes #1: Fourniers, A-fib & Cholecystitis
Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org

Blood Gas Reading Skills: ABG #3
Blood Gas Reading Skills seriesAdditional content and educational resources at ICUedu.orgIf you have ABGs you are interested in submitting for possible discussion, you can send along the ABG, th...

Reframing Shock Part II: 3-Pressures Approach to Shock
Update content January 2024! New (and hopefully improved...) version.Pocket Intensivist Card: 3-Pressures Hemodyna...

Right Ventricular Failure & Pulmonary Hypertension
Chapter 1: Clinical ContextChapter 2: PhysiologyChapter 3: Diagnosis and Differential DiagnosisChapter 4: Spiral of DeathChapter 5: ManagementChapter 6: Recap

Pressors and Vasoactives
Chapter 1: Why Start Vasoactives?Chapter 2: When Start Vasoactives?Chapter 3: Which Vasoactive to Start?ICUedu Pocket Intensivist Card - Vas...

Critical Cases #3: Hypoxemia with Abdominal Distention
Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org

Blood Gas Reading Skills: ABG #2
Blood Gas Reading Skills seriesAdditional content and educational resources at ICUedu.orgIf you have ABGs you are interested in submitting for possible discussion, you can send along the ABG, th...

Thoughtful Use: Bicarb and Calcium
Additional content and educational resources at ICUedu.org